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Description & Requirements
The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) was established in 1999 by the Council of Europe to monitor States’ compliance with the organisation’s anti-corruption standards. GRECO’s objective is to improve the capacity of its members to fight corruption by monitoring their compliance with Council of Europe anti-corruption standards through a dynamic process of mutual evaluation and peer pressure. It helps to identify deficiencies in national anti-corruption policies, prompting the necessary legislative, institutional and practical reforms. GRECO also provides a platform for the sharing of best practice in the prevention and detection of corruption. GRECO, which has its seat in Strasbourg, is assisted by a Secretariat, headed by an Executive Secretary, provided by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The Secretariat of GRECO is part of the Directorate of Security, Integrity and Rule of Law in the Directorate General Human Rights and the Rule of Law of the Council of Europe. See here for more information about GRECO.
As a Legal Advisor, you will be:
- preparing, planning and carrying out GRECO on-site evaluation visits ;
- drafting GRECO evaluation reports and assisting in their adoption by the GRECO plenary ;
- providing the secretariat to the GRECO compliance procedure, in particular drawing up, presenting and updating compliance reports; liaising with the GRECO evaluation teams and the national authorities in connection with evaluation visits and compliance procedures ;
- conducting research and analysis, contribute to the development of policy papers and analytical reports on relevant topics and follow legal developments on anti-corruption issues ;
assisting in the preparation of GRECO meetings and events ;
- representing the GRECO Secretariat at conferences, seminars and meetings as necessary ;
- contributing to GRECO’s visibility and communication efforts.
You must:
- have the support of the member State seconding you to the Council of Europe ;
- hold a higher education degree or professional qualification equivalent to a master’s degree (2nd cycle of the Bologna process framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area) preferably in law. Candidates with an advanced university degree in public administration, political science or business administration would also be eligible ;
- have at least 3 years of relevant professional domestic experience with legal and policy reforms in the area of criminal justice, law enforcement and/or anti-corruption, preferably in a national administration or an anti-corruption body/agency, in an international organisation or in a non-gouvernmental organisation ;
- have very good knowledge of one of the two official languages of the Council of Europe (English or French) ;
- have basic knowledge of the other (French or English) ;
- be a citizen of one of the member States of the Council of Europe or in the case of a partial agreement, to be national of the member State of the partial agreement of GRECO.
- Operational - Planning and work organisation
- Operational - Analysis and problem solving
- Operational - Concern for quality
- Interpersonal - Teamwork and co-operation
- Professional and technical expertise:
- very good knowledge of international and European anti-corruption standards;
- excellent drafting skills;
- demonstratate ability to assess legal texts;
- demonstrated ability to synthesise large amounts of information;
- ability to draft clear and concise reports, and to formulate conclusions and recommandations;
- computer skills (standard software).
- Professional and technical expertise:
- knowledge of the Council of Europe's standard in the areas of justice, public law and the Rule of law ;
- experience with drafting national legislation and regulation and/or analysing how national legislation complies with anti-corruption requirements, and/or conducting assessments of anti-corruption standards.
This vacancy is for a secondment, ruled by Article 23 of Committee of Ministers’ Resolution CM/Res(2012)2. You can consult the conditions of secondment to the Council of Europe (days of leave, allowances etc.) on the webpage What we offer. This secondment does not foresee any allowances or travel expenses from the Organisation.
This secondment should start as soon as possible.
For more information on how we recruit, you can consult the page Our recruitment process of our Career's website. The deadline for applications is indicated in the General information section of this vacancy notice (see above) and is fixed at 23:59:59 Central European Time (CET). Only applicants who meet the conditions of the Committee of Ministers’ Resolution CM/Res(2012)2) and who best meet the abovementioned criteria will be considered for selection and for the next stage.
As an equal opportunity employer, the Council of Europe welcomes applications from all suitably qualified people, irrespective of sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or social origin, disability, religion or belief. Under its equal opportunity policy, the Council of Europe is aiming to achieve gender parity in staff employed in each category and grade.At the time of appointment, preference beetwen suitable people shall be given to the person of the gender which is under-represented in the relevant grades within the category to which the vacancy belongs.
Applicants with specific needs are encouraged to request reasonable accommodations at any stage during the recruitment process. Please contact us at [email protected], we will ensure that your request is handled.
The information published on the CoE’s careers website regarding working conditions is correct at the time of publication of the vacancy notice. Any changes to these conditions during the recruitment process will beupdated on our Portal and will apply at the time of the job offer. Our career's website is not intended to be exhaustive and may not address all questions you would have. Should you have remaining questions, please contact us at [email protected].